Warrior Events November 27th - December 2nd 11/27 - Students return from break 11/27-12/2 - GBB & BBB Williams Baptist Tourn. 11/27 - 9am - WMS Dare Graduation - Gym 11/27 - 6pm - WES PTO Meeting - Cafeteria 11/28 - 8th Grade Spelling Bee 11/29 - 4pm-WHS Bowling vs Jonesboro @ Hijinx 11/30 - WHS B&G Swim Meet @ Pocahontas 11/30 - 4pm - WHS Bowling vs Bay @ Hijinx 11/30 - 6pm - WES Minisingers Program @ FAC 11/30-12/1 - Be Pro Be Proud @ WHS Campus 11/30 - 6:30pm WES Parent Night 12/1 - WHS Band @ Jonesboro Christmas Parade 12/2 - WHS Band - JH All Region Auditions @ GCT 12/2 - BBB - 7th/SrJV vs Cedar Ridge - Away 12/2 - WHS Band @ Bono Christmas Parade
about 1 year ago, WCSD
7th grade American History students enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal as part of their Colonial America Unit. They have been learning about life in Colonial America and discussing the cultural impact that colonial life had on our modern celebrations
about 1 year ago, WCSD
7th grade American History students enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal as part of their Colonial America Unit. They have been learning about life in Colonial America and discussing the cultural impact that colonial life had on our modern celebrations
7th grade American History students enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal as part of their Colonial America Unit. They have been learning about life in Colonial America and discussing the cultural impact that colonial life had on our modern celebrations
7th grade American History students enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal as part of their Colonial America Unit. They have been learning about life in Colonial America and discussing the cultural impact that colonial life had on our modern celebrations
7th grade American History students enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal as part of their Colonial America Unit. They have been learning about life in Colonial America and discussing the cultural impact that colonial life had on our modern celebrations
7th grade American History students enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal as part of their Colonial America Unit. They have been learning about life in Colonial America and discussing the cultural impact that colonial life had on our modern celebrations
Westside Middle School had a fun time at math night. Students and families had the opportunity to solve problems related to measurement at 5th, 6th, and 7th grade levels! We have some great mathematicians!
about 1 year ago, WCSD
Westside Middle School had a fun time at math night.  Students and families had the opportunity to solve problems related to measurement at 5th, 6th, and 7th grade levels!   We have some great mathematicians!
Westside Middle School had a fun time at math night.  Students and families had the opportunity to solve problems related to measurement at 5th, 6th, and 7th grade levels!   We have some great mathematicians!
Westside Middle School had a fun time at math night.  Students and families had the opportunity to solve problems related to measurement at 5th, 6th, and 7th grade levels!   We have some great mathematicians!
Westside Middle School had a fun time at math night.  Students and families had the opportunity to solve problems related to measurement at 5th, 6th, and 7th grade levels!   We have some great mathematicians!
Westside Middle School had a fun time at math night.  Students and families had the opportunity to solve problems related to measurement at 5th, 6th, and 7th grade levels!   We have some great mathematicians!
Westside Middle School had a fun time at math night.  Students and families had the opportunity to solve problems related to measurement at 5th, 6th, and 7th grade levels!   We have some great mathematicians!
Westside Middle School had a fun time at math night.  Students and families had the opportunity to solve problems related to measurement at 5th, 6th, and 7th grade levels!   We have some great mathematicians!
Westside Middle School had a fun time at math night.  Students and families had the opportunity to solve problems related to measurement at 5th, 6th, and 7th grade levels!   We have some great mathematicians!
Westside Middle School had a fun time at math night.  Students and families had the opportunity to solve problems related to measurement at 5th, 6th, and 7th grade levels!   We have some great mathematicians!
Westside Middle School had a fun time at math night.  Students and families had the opportunity to solve problems related to measurement at 5th, 6th, and 7th grade levels!   We have some great mathematicians!
Math Night @ WMS Tonight 6-8 pm Learn about our Math Curriculum and participate in some math learning with your student.
about 1 year ago, Michael Allen
Westside Middle School held a Veteran’s Day Assembly today. Thank you JROTC, WHS choir, and the Yearta family for their support for this assembly!
about 1 year ago, WCSD
Westside Middle School held a Veteran’s Day Assembly today.  Thank you JROTC, WHS choir, and the Yearta family for their support for this assembly!
Westside Middle School held a Veteran’s Day Assembly today.  Thank you JROTC, WHS choir, and the Yearta family for their support for this assembly!
Westside Middle School held a Veteran’s Day Assembly today.  Thank you JROTC, WHS choir, and the Yearta family for their support for this assembly!
Westside Middle School held a Veteran’s Day Assembly today.  Thank you JROTC, WHS choir, and the Yearta family for their support for this assembly!
Westside Middle School held a Veteran’s Day Assembly today.  Thank you JROTC, WHS choir, and the Yearta family for their support for this assembly!
Westside Middle School held a Veteran’s Day Assembly today.  Thank you JROTC, WHS choir, and the Yearta family for their support for this assembly!
Westside Middle School held a Veteran’s Day Assembly today.  Thank you JROTC, WHS choir, and the Yearta family for their support for this assembly!
Westside Middle School held a Veteran’s Day Assembly today.  Thank you JROTC, WHS choir, and the Yearta family for their support for this assembly!
NO SCHOOL for students on November 20th-24th for teacher professional development and Thanksgiving Break. School will resume on Monday, November 27, 2023. Happy Thanksgiving, Warriors! ❤🤍🦃
about 1 year ago, WCSD
NO SCHOOL for students on November 20th-24th for teacher professional development and Thanksgiving Break. School will resume on Monday, November 27, 2023. Happy Thanksgiving, Warriors! ❤🤍🦃
Warrior Events for November 13th - 18th 11/13-18 GBB & BBB - Jr Bay Tournament 11/13 - BBB - 6pm - 7th vs Valley View @ Home 11/13 - WHS Band - All Region Jazz Auditions @ JHS 11/13 - 6pm - School Board Mtg @ WHS Library 11/13 - 6pm - Band Booster Mtg @ Band Room 11/14 - BBB - &th/Jr/Sr vs Bay @ Home 11/14 - 6pm - WMS Math Night 11/15 - WHS Business- American Enterprise Day 11/15 - Brown's Graduation for Sr Class 11/16 - 4pm - GBB - Sr vs Rector - Away 11/16 - 6pm - 1st Grade Thanksgiving Program @ FAC 11/17 - 5pm - BBB - 7th/Jr/Sr vs BIC @ Home 11/18 - WHS Swim Meet @ Batesville 11/20-24 - NO SCHOOL for Thanksgiving Break 🦃
about 1 year ago, WCSD
Westside Middle School is selling it's yearbook for $40 up until November 17th. We have to sell 75 yearbooks by then, or we will not be able to sell a yearbook for this year. We currently have 33 sold. Your help is greatly appreciated! If we are able to make our quota, yearbooks go up to $45 after Thanksgiving Break.
about 1 year ago, Michael Allen
WHS Boys Basketball Red/White Games, Alumni Game and BBQ Dinner Fundraiser will all be happening tonight starting at 5:30 p.m.! Come and enjoy a night full of Warrior Basketball, food and fun! ❤🤍🏀
about 1 year ago, WCSD
WHS Boys Basketball Red/White Games, Alumni Game and BBQ Dinner Fundraiser will all be happening tonight starting at 5:30 p.m.! Come and enjoy a night full of Warrior Basketball, food and fun! ❤🤍🏀
This is a reminder that flu shots will be given to those who signed up at the High School and Middle School tomorrow and the Elementary on Tuesday.
about 1 year ago, WCSD
Congratulations to Westside Middle School Employees of the Month for October. Classified-Nurse Meghan Brodell Licensed-Miss Morgan Red Thank you, Ladies, for all you do to support the students of WMS!
about 1 year ago, WCSD
Congratulations to Westside Middle School Employees of the Month for October. Classified-Nurse Meghan Brodell Licensed-Miss Morgan Red Thank you, Ladies, for all you do to support the students of WMS!
Congratulations to Westside Middle School Employees of the Month for October. Classified-Nurse Meghan Brodell Licensed-Miss Morgan Red Thank you, Ladies, for all you do to support the students of WMS!
Friday is the last day for Early Registration for the Baseball Skills Camp. Participants can register at the gate also! Camp is this Saturday, 11/4 with 3rd -5th grade 8-11am/ 6th-8th grade 1-4pm.
about 1 year ago, WCSD
“Friday is the last day for Early Registration for the Baseball Skills Camp. Participants can register at the gate also! Camp is this Saturday, 11/4 with 3rd -5th grade 8-11am/ 6th-8th grade 1-4pm”
Westside Warrior November 2023 Parent Newsletter ❤🤍
about 1 year ago, WCSD
November 2023 Parent Newsletter
Roll those clocks back one hour on Saturday night before bed, Warriors! Daylight Savings Time officially ends at 2am on Sunday, November 5, 2023. ⏰
about 1 year ago, WCSD
Daylight Savings Time Ends on November 5th
RISE Arkansas: Expansion - November 2023 Edition
about 1 year ago, WCSD
November 2023 Edition of Rise Arkansas
November 2023 Edition of Rise Arkansas
November 2023 Edition of Rise Arkansas
November 2023 Edition of Rise Arkansas
Westside Middle School held an attendance competition for the month of October. Grades that met our attendance goal of 95% will get an extra recess. The winning grade will get an ice cream party. The homeroom who had the best attendance received free football tickets to Friday’s A-State home game. Met goal: 5th and 6th grade Winning grade: 5th grade Winning Homeroom: Mrs. Miller’s 6th grade #warriornation #letemhearyouhowl #everydayeveryclassattendancematters
about 1 year ago, WCSD
Westside Middle School held an attendance competition for the month of October.  Grades that met our attendance goal of 95% will get an extra recess.   The winning grade will get an ice cream party.  The homeroom who had the best attendance received free football tickets to Friday’s A-State home game.   Met goal:  5th and 6th grade Winning grade:  5th grade Winning Homeroom:  Mrs. Miller’s 6th grade #warriornation #letemhearyouhowl #everydayeveryclassattendancematters
Westside Middle School is conducting a food drive this week. They are accepting food items each day. If you'd like to contribute online, you can do so at https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2HSSE5XJSZFWC... This will take you to the wish list for the needed food items on Amazon.
about 1 year ago, WCSD
Westside Middle School is conducting a food drive this week.  They are accepting food items each day.  If you'd like to contribute online, you can do so at https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2HSSE5XJSZFWC... This will take you to the wish list for the needed food items on Amazon.
Every Day ... Every Class ... Attendance Matters! ❤🤍
about 1 year ago, WCSD
Attendance-A Key to Your Student's Success
In recognition of October being Bullying Prevention month, names were drawn at WMS to receive books that deal with bullying. Congrats to these book winners!
about 1 year ago, WCSD
In recognition of October being Bullying Prevention month, names were drawn at WMS to receive books that deal with bullying.   Congrats to these book winners!
In recognition of October being Bullying Prevention month, names were drawn at WMS to receive books that deal with bullying.   Congrats to these book winners!
In recognition of October being Bullying Prevention month, names were drawn at WMS to receive books that deal with bullying.   Congrats to these book winners!
In recognition of October being Bullying Prevention month, names were drawn at WMS to receive books that deal with bullying.   Congrats to these book winners!
In recognition of October being Bullying Prevention month, names were drawn at WMS to receive books that deal with bullying.   Congrats to these book winners!
In recognition of October being Bullying Prevention month, names were drawn at WMS to receive books that deal with bullying.   Congrats to these book winners!
In recognition of October being Bullying Prevention month, names were drawn at WMS to receive books that deal with bullying.   Congrats to these book winners!
Baseball camp shirt orders are due Thursday, October 26th by 9a.m. Camp registration is open until the day of with early registration ending Friday, November 3rd at 9a.m.
about 1 year ago, WCSD